Monday, July 5, 2021

Three More Join the Leaving MOVE Group Statement

Three more have come forward and asked to join the group statement exposing the abuses within the MOVE cult. They are: Salina Robbins and Sara Robbins who were both born in MOVE, and Mario Hardy, a MOVE supporter of 15 years who married into MOVE. As this progresses and more comes to light more people are and will be adding their names to this list. Cults like MOVE have very complicated control patterns and it will take time for 50 years of abuse and control to be disentangled in a way that is easier for those on the outside to understand. In the meantime please support those who are coming forward and are working through the trauma they have experienced. 

 Group Statement from Former MOVE Members and Supporters


We are former MOVE members and supporters writing to address matters that are deeply concerning. We’ve all chosen to take part in the “Murder at Ryan’s Run” podcast to tell our stories and shine light on aspects of MOVE that have been obscured from journalistic scrutiny. We’re aware that for many who have supported MOVE this information will come as a shock. MOVE is good at controlling their own narrative and in gaining support from well-intentioned and kind-hearted people. We understand this and we ask that you take the time to understand what we, and others, are saying in this letter and will be heard saying on the podcast. 

At the time of the release of this document June Stokes (known as Pixie Africa, daughter of Pam Africa) has left MOVE and is already in hiding with her kids. As you listen to the podcast and read the LEAVING MOVE blog ( you will understand why. We have reason to believe that as a result of speaking out, June's life is in imminent danger. The only thing that will protect her is for people to continue to monitor the situation and to spread the word. 

Some of the things that will be addressed on the podcast are:

  • A pattern of child abuse that June, Josh, Whit, Sara, Salina and many others have experienced, and that is consistent with patterns of abuse that have been ongoing throughout the near 50 years that MOVE has existed. 

  • A consistent pattern of direct threats and intimidation against people who want to leave MOVE and tell the truth about their experiences. Some defectors have been threatened and there are many MOVE-related deaths or murders that are very suspicious, namely the 2002 murder of John Gilbride.

  • A myriad of financial crimes and other ways that MOVE has exploited the political support they receive in order to benefit MOVE’s leadership (not Pam and Ramona Africa, the real leaders of MOVE are Sue Africa (Sue Levino) and Alberta Africa (Alberta Wicker))

These issues are just a small portion of what is documented in the podcast. MOVE’s history is long and complex and it will take time to lay the groundwork for the realities of MOVE to be properly understood. We feel the need to address all of these issues publicly for a few reasons:

  • June has been trying to leave MOVE for many years, but without public awareness around her situation MOVE leadership will either take her children from her or kill her (they have threatened to do so many times). 

  • MOVE has been getting very favorable news coverage lately that only serves to embolden MOVE leadership and allows them to continue their patterns of abuse. 

  • Since the release of the HBO documentary “40 Years a Prisoner” Mike Africa Jr. has been working to rebrand a more marketable version of MOVE for his own personal gain. His portrayal of MOVE whitewashes the lived experience of children born into MOVE, and others, like John Gilbride, who was murdered during a custody battle with his ex-wife, Alberta Africa, the leader of MOVE. 

The undersigned of this letter are asking for the following:

  • We are asking journalists to consider this information when reporting on MOVE and to dig more deeply into MOVE’s history. 

  • We’re also asking other current and former MOVE members to speak out about the real history of MOVE in order to protect June, Josh, Whit, Salina, Sara and many others who have suffered as a result of being born into MOVE. We recognize that many MOVE members will be uncomfortable with inner circle knowledge being revealed publicly. However, continuing to promote the romanticized past of MOVE creates the conditions that allow for the ongoing suffering of many who were born into MOVE, as well as other victims of MOVE such as the Gilbride family. 

  • We are calling on MOVE members of good conscience to begin to tell the truth about MOVE history, including the events that led up to the 1978 and 1985 confrontations, the treatment of children, and any information related to the harassment and/or murder of John Gilbride. 

It is also worth noting that all of the testimony that is being released on the podcast is already recorded and is safely being stored in multiple places so that it can be released to authorities should the need arise. If any of us end up missing, are hurt, or are killed it will not stop our recordings from being released, it will only expedite the exposure of the reality of MOVE. This may sound overdramatic but consider that many people were too fearful to speak on this podcast and Alberta Africa's ex-husband was murdered in 2002. After you hear our stories we believe that you will understand. 


June Stokes (Pixie Africa, daughter of Pam Africa)

Whit Sims (Whit Africa, daughter of Mike Africa Sr. and Debbie Africa, sister of Mike Africa Jr.)

Josh Robbins

 (Josh Africa, son of Mary and  Mo Africa, co-defendant in the 1981 Federal trial against MOVE’s founder, John Africa )

Salina Robbins 

(Lina Africa, daughter of Whit Sims, niece of Mike Africa Jr., granddaughter of Mike Africa Sr. and Debbie Africa and Mo and Mary Africa)

Sara Robbins

(Sara Africa, daughter of Whit Sims, niece of Mike Africa Jr., granddaughter of Mike Africa Sr. and Debbie Africa and Mo and Mary Africa)

Mario Hardy (known by many as Mario Africa, former MOVE supporter of 15 years)

Maiga Milbourne (former MOVE Supporter of 17 years)

Kevin Price (former MOVE Supporter of 19 years)

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