Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Custody Case Trial Transcript and Notes on Ep. 7 of "Murder at Ryan's Run"- "Gilbride v. Gilbride"

Yesterday's episode of Murder at Ryan's Run was packed with a lot of important information that I'm going to spend time unpacking here throughout the next week. One of the most important developments is that the Murder at Ryan's Run team has posted the trial transcripts for the custody battle that preceded the murder of John Gilbride. This is a long document, over 500 pages, and it reveals much about the structure of MOVE and the hold that Alberta had on members. It's important to point out that if supporters, like myself, had known many of the things that Alberta openly admitted in court then we would have likely stopped being MOVE supporters. The only people who were allowed in the courtroom to testify and to hear testimony were either born into MOVE, or had children in MOVE, and therefore it would have been much more difficult for them to rebel against Alberta or to leave. 

In the coming week, I plan to go into more detail about all of these points, but the first detail that would have sent supporters running is that Alberta blames the harassment campaign against the Gilbride family, or it least one of its major events, on former MOVE supporter Tony Allen. Alberta claims that she didn't know the supporters well, and specifically that she didn't know Tony very well. Meanwhile, she and Ria had organized a group of MOVE supporters to protest in front of the courthouse that very day. The claim that Tony organized the demonstration without Bert and Ria asking him to is also ridiculous, as nothing happened in that custody case without Alberta's sanction. 

Alberta also admits in open court that Zack was conceived through In Vitro fertilization. I personally have no problem with this, the problem is that Alberta lied about this fact constantly. She frequently talked about how conceiving Zack in her late 40s was a miracle of John Africa. Also, MOVE is opposed to unnecessary (and often necessary) medical intervention. Young girls, like June, were forcefully denied medical care during difficult childbirths (at 13 years old). Alberta also often claimed that John was a deadbeat who never supported her or Zack, but one of the main reasons for John's financial difficulties was paying for her medical care, and later for fighting for custody. In the episode, Mario Hardy also states that Alberta intentionally sought out a white egg donor so that she would have a white child. I've heard this supported by many in MOVE. This fits in line with Alberta's white supremacist views and the internal racism that is rampant in MOVE. I'll be writing more about this soon. 

The trial transcripts are long, and I plan to post some important pages here for analysis. There's much more in these documents than can be given proper attention in one blog post or podcast episode. 


Sunday, August 29, 2021

Media Update: Front Page of the Philly Inquirer and Coverage from Cult Expert, Steven Hassan

Today's Philadelphia Inquirer featured a front-page article by Jason Nark which connects the survivors, the murder of John Gilbride, this blog, and the Murder at Ryan's Run podcast. The article first appeared on the Inquirer's website on Friday. It does an excellent job of introducing the material and making the connections between the survivors of abuse within MOVE and the murder of John Gilbride. There's so much material to explore here, and MOVE is so wildly misunderstood, that I'm hoping that this can be the start of a series of articles delving deeper into the abuse within MOVE and the unsolved murder of John Gilbride, the ex-husband of MOVE's leader, Alberta Africa. There's much more to be done to get justice for the children born in MOVE, the Gilbride family, and many others. 

Reading the article I'm moved by the bravery, eloquence, and grace of Josh, Maria, Rain, and Salina. All of those who were born into MOVE and have come forward; June, Whit, Josh, Maria, Salina, Sara, Rain (and others who aren't public), have exhibited unimaginable strength, courage, and empathy, and I'm humbled to be working alongside them. It's hard to overstate how big and difficult it is to do what they're doing. They've all risked so much in order to stop this cycle of abuse from continuing. They've risked and suffered estrangement from family members that they love dearly, they have been publicly vulnerable while processing deep traumas, and they did all of this knowing that it would be politically complicated for many to respond to them with the love and support that they truly deserve. I hope that this article will broaden their base of support. Please spread the word, and if you're able please donate to June's GoFundMe

In the beginning of July, I was interviewed by cult expert, Steven Hassan. Dr. Hassan is one of the foremost experts on cults and has been working for over thirty years to help people who want help leaving authoritarian groups. I contacted Dr. Hassan in late 2007 or early 2008 when I was first intellectually breaking from MOVE. I secretly read his book Releasing the Bonds in Barnes and Noble and then returned it to the shelf. I was terrified of being caught with the book. When I left the store I called Dr. Hassan's office from the parking lot and was shocked when he, and not a secretary, answered the call. He was kind enough to talk to me for an hour free of charge and helped me to wrap my head around what it would take to get out of MOVE with my marriage intact. 

I was pleased to be able to speak to Dr. Hassan again all of these years later. There are a few things I'd like to note. I'm aware that in the blog post he refers to me as a MOVE member, and that according to MOVE I was a supporter. He goes on to explain this deeper into his post, but I'd also like to clarify here. When most people hear the word supporter they think of someone who is only loosely affiliated and not someone like myself who gave all of my waking energy to the group, relied on leadership to make all of their decisions, and donated more than $50,000 to the group throughout my two decades of involvement. I have already written a post documenting how MOVE uses the categories of member and supporter as a control mechanism. When John Gilbride was murdered MOVE often emphasized that he was "just a supporter" despite the fact that he had been married to MOVE's leader, Alberta Africa, and had lived in MOVE's headquarters for a decade. It is for this reason that I was okay with the term "member" being used as long as it was clarified deeper in the blog post. 

If you happen to watch the video interview that the blog post is based on you will notice that I filmed the interview from a bathroom. I hope that this isn't too distracting (it's a bit embarrassing for me) but I was out of town when we recorded and this was the only room where I could be sure that my two-year-old daughter wouldn't unexpectedly join the interview. I'm very grateful to Dr. Hassan for his time. I hope that this interview can further the cause of getting justice for those who were born into MOVE as well as the Gilbride family. 


John Gilbride's Journals Reflecting on Alberta's Abuse - January of 1997

This document was referenced in the most recent episode of Murder at Ryan's Run, Episode 6: The Meetings. This is an entry that was found on John's computer after he was murdered. It's one of a few entries he makes reflecting on specific periods of abuse within MOVE. In this document, John talks about how Alberta frequently acted like everything was fine, and once he let his guard down her mood shifted abruptly as she put him in the hot seat. This is something I've witnessed firsthand on many occasions between Alberta and her current husband, Gary Wonderlin. Alberta often catches people off guard, when they are relaxed, and then uses their defensiveness as evidence that they must have been doing something wrong. The control methods that John documents Alberta using on him are also used by Alberta to control and intimidate children in MOVE. These documents from John are supported by the testimonies of June, Whit, Josh, Maria, Salina, Sara, Rain, and others who are coming forward. 

As Alberta begins the meeting on John she tells him that he's not appreciative enough of the work that other MOVE people are doing to help raise his son. Meanwhile, John had just worked a 16 hour day and was frequently working 80 hours a week to pay medical bills and to sustain Alberta's excessive lifestyle. He points out that he resented that she needed so much help caring for Zack as he was working round the clock at her demand while also waking at 3 am to feed Zack. This is a consistent pattern for Alberta. She constantly talks about how lazy other people are, and how they should work harder while doing very little herself. Over the years I spent a good deal of time at Alberta's Cherry Hill home and she spent the majority of her time sitting on her couch watching television. Ria and Bert always talked about how Bert was always tired from doing all of the "mental work" of the organization, but most of the time it just seemed like she was lazy. 

John mentions that he was told during the meeting that "my attitude towards Alberta was going to cause a situation that would involve my death." As is typical from a threat within MOVE, it was followed by the claim that it wasn't a threat and that his death would not happen at the hands of a MOVE member, but from a plane crash or illness as a result of karmic blowback (the MOVE term for this is that it would be the result of his violation). John fell asleep after the meeting ended at 3 am and was awakened two hours later, at 5 am when Alphonso Africa called him and told him he was on his way over to have a meeting on him with the other MOVE men. At this meeting, he was told that if he continued disrespecting Alberta that he was "done" and "finished." John was writing this reflection sometime in the year 2000. He would continue to receive thinly veiled death threats from MOVE members up until he was murdered in September of 2002. 


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

MOVE's Letter to US Airways: The Harassment and Intimidation Campaign Against John Gilbride

This document was referenced in the most recent episode of Murder at Ryan's Run, Episode 6: The Meetings. This is a letter sent by MOVE to US Airways in February of 2000 in an attempt to get John Gilbride fired from his job so that he could no longer fight for custody of his son. Alberta and Ria Africa also had MOVE members and supporters repeatedly call US Airways in attempts to get John fired. This was part of a harassment and intimidation campaign that lasted for years. 

Two very important quotes from this document have been highlighted on the first page: "We coming after John Gilbride with MOVE strategy and anybody that gets in our way, anybody that shields or tries to stand in the way between MOVE and this child abusing maniac, you had best reflect on the MOVE Organization's history" and "MOVE don't believe in violence but we do believe in self-defense. John Gilbride has threatened our sister and her child and MOVE is coming after his ass." This is immediately followed by the claim that "this isn't a threat." This is similar to the claim made in Ramona Africa's letter to Steven Spielberg. Issuing threats and immediately following the threat with the claim that it's not a threat is a consistent maneuver in the MOVE playbook going all the way back to the mid-1970s. 

In this letter, MOVE acknowledges that John lived in a MOVE house for ten years. At various points, high-ranking MOVE members have claimed that they didn't really know John and have acted as if he were a peripheral figure, but this statement acknowledges that that is untrue. Toward the end of the letter MOVE even uses John's involvement with MOVE as a reason that John should be fired. Their argument is essentially that US Air customers would be uncomfortable knowing that a man who was involved in a revolutionary group such as MOVE has access to the belly of the airplane. Below MOVE's letter to US Air, I've also posted a letter John wrote to his supervisors at US Air warning them that the custody case he was involved in may spill over into his work life, that he has no control over this, and that his estranged wife will likely try to destroy his livelihood. 

(Click on the images to magnify)

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

John Gilbride's Journals Reflecting on Alberta's Abuse - May of 1996

This document was referenced in the most recent episode of Murder at Ryan's Run, Episode 6: The Meetings. This is an entry that was found on John's computer after he was murdered. It's one of a few entries he makes reflecting on specific periods of abuse within MOVE. In this entry, John is documenting a "meeting" Alberta orchestrated against him on May 22nd, 1996. At the end of the document, John points out that Alberta had not called any meetings on him the entire time she had been pregnant when she was dependent on him. At that time she needed him to take her to doctor's appointments, deal with insurance paperwork, and pay for her expensive medicine. After Zack was born John was not needed in the same way. When John says that he wants to be a good father and take care of his son, Sue Africa says "I can do that, you're not needed!"

Toward the end of the second page, Alberta is recorded as saying "We'll all kick your ass right here and now. And I'll tell you something, if you don't pull yourself together you'll never see again. I'll take him and disappear and you'll never see him again. You know what, John, you really are a defected piece of shit." Because John left out a few words while typing this the meaning is open to interpretation. This may mean that Alberta is saying that if John doesn't fully submit to her then he will never be seen again. If this is the case then it matches perfectly with what June Stokes has reported that Alberta said to her on a number of occasions, that if she didn't get in line that she would be disappeared and her body would never be found. This interpretation is also supported by Alphonso Africa following up Alberta's statement by saying "We ain't playing no games with you John, we will finish you tonight if you don't start talking!" Because of the missing word, Alberta's statement could also be interpreted as saying that if John didn't submit to Alberta then John would never see his newborn son Zack again. In the next few days, I'll post and comment on one of John's other journal entries that documents how Alberta's abuse against John continued to intensify after Zack was born. 

(Click on the images to magnify)


Monday, August 23, 2021

Flier from the Harassment Campaign Against John Gilbride's Parents

This flier was referenced in the most recent episode of Murder at Ryan's Run, Episode 6: The Meetings.  It's one of many fliers that were distributed in the war of harassment and intimidation against John Gilbride. I've discussed other such fliers in two previous posts here and here. This is the front side of a double-sided flier. Unfortunately, the second side can't be found at this time (if anyone out there has it please send email it to leavingmove@gmail.com). I remember the backside of the flier fairly well. Whereas the front side claims that John's mother makes "incestuous overtures towards her son," the backside claimed that John's father had always been jealous of him and as a result had tried to get him killed on a number of occasions. According to MOVE, John's parents were encouraging his divorce from Alberta Africa because they hated him and wanted to destroy his life. MOVE also claimed at the same time that John had been a government agent since birth, that his father had been a government agent, and that John had been raised with the sole purpose of destroying MOVE. 

The backside of the flier closed with a quote from MOVE's Guidelines (scriptures) comparing the persecution of MOVE to that of Jewish people in Nazi Germany, and text following those Guidelines linked John filing for custody of his son to that campaign of persecution. This flier was distributed by me and about a dozen other MOVE supporters and members in the mailbox of every house in John's parents' neighborhood at the directive of Alberta and Ria Africa. MOVE members and supporters drove more than a hundred miles in order to distribute these fliers. The purpose of this fliering was to intimidate John's parents into ceasing to support John in his fight for custody of his son. As if the flier wasn't bad enough, when we returned to the neighborhood a few weeks later (again at the directive of Alberta and Ria Africa) we had protest signs that made all of the implicit (and false) allegations against John's parents explicit. In the next few days I'll be posting and expanding on many more of the documents that were referenced in the last podcast episode.  

(Click on the image to magnify)

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Statement from Food Not Bombs Solidarity Withdrawing their Endorsement of MOVE

The following statement is written by the Philly-based group Food Not Bombs Solidarity. Posting this statement on this blog does not mean that the members of Food Not Bombs Solidarity agree with all of the positions taken here. I'm posting this because I feel like it's an important document showing positive ways that radical communities are holding those in MOVE leadership accountable for abuse and lies. There are very good reasons that so many open-hearted people seeking justice have embraced MOVE and a great deal of deception has been involved in gaining such support. Hopefully, statements such as this one will be part of the process of healing and justice for those who have been victims of MOVE.

Released 8/19/2021

Food Not Bombs Solidarity (FNBS) withdraws our endorsement of MOVE.

This action is taken in the absence of any sincere attempts by current MOVE members to address and take accountability for the horrors that went on for decades in their organization. It is taken in support of MOVE survivors, some of whom have courageously jeopardized their safety to make public alarming accounts of abuse, intimidation, and bigotry.

Providing support to disadvantaged communities and political actions is central to our mission. In this case, our members feel lied to and used.

FNBS believes in restorative justice and looks forward to the day that those responsible for the abuses within MOVE begin the process of restorative justice by coming forward to admit their wrongs and knowledge of what was happening, apologizing, and taking transparent and decisive action to assure the abuses are stopped.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Some Questions for Alberta Africa by Salina Robbins

The following was written by Salina Robbins, known in MOVE as Lina Africa. Salina is the daughter of Whit Simms, the niece of Mike Africa Jr., and the granddaughter of Mike Africa Sr. and Debbie Africa. 

I am continuing the motif of asking the question “why?!”

Why this, and why that... Alberta Africa has claimed that John Gilbride is still alive, that he was killed by the government, and that he was killed because of gambling debts. These ideas are put forward at the same time, even though they are mutually contradictory, and none of them make sense. They say John Gilbride had “gambling debts” but the number one characteristic of having gambling debt is that the person you owe money to needs you alive to collect on their debt. What’s the first course of action of someone you owe money to on that level? Well, I think they may try to motivate you first by going after family and friends who you love. The loan shark may threaten you and even torture you. But at no point is their first reaction to simply kill the asset. Their collateral to collect on their money is the person who owes the money. John Gilbride was shot point-blank several times in the face and chest. If a loan shark killed John Gilbride due to gambling debts they have sealed their fate, they’ve decided that they’re not in any way interested in collecting what they were owed. If you relate this scenario to a movie or a show, the bad guy usually kills the asset after they’ve obtained something of interest. Never before. As a child who spent two years of my life barricaded in 4504 and 4506 Kingsessing Ave. at the demand of Alberta Africa. I never saw her upset after John Gilbride’s death was announced. In fact, Johns's decision to go “against” MOVE is what justifies his death ‘til this day. She constantly reinforced the above-stated “theories” along with constant and consistent conversation with members stating what happened to him was because of his violation to go against MOVE. As you all continue to ask questions and fact check, I would like to ask you the question: Did Alberta Africa benefit from John’s Death?

Alberta Africa, at a press conference in MOVE headquarters less than 12 hours after John Gilbride was murdered

Monday, August 16, 2021

Blog Update and More Fliers from the Campaign Against John Gilbride

Since the Leaving MOVE blog was launched on June 29th we've posted to the blog nearly every day. The events that have unfolded in the last six weeks; June going into hiding, many who were born into MOVE publicly leaving, the launch of the Murder at Ryan's Run podcast, and the start of this blog, all coincided with a period of my life when I had an unusual amount of time I could give to this project. That situation is beginning to shift and as a result, we will likely slow down posting to two to three times a week. There's still much more that needs to be written and explained and we have many, many more documents to present. There's also a great deal about early MOVE history for which we're still laying a foundation. 

In the last six weeks, there have been 45 posts to this blog and many of them build on one another. I know from personal communication that many people started reading from the first post and have continued to the present. However, there are also people who are jumping in now and this can be very confusing. Most of the later blog posts build on earlier posts, and it has to be this way because of how complicated cult dynamics and MOVE history are. In the next few days, I'll be posting a guide to the blog with key recommended posts and some other resources for understanding this material.

For today I'm posting three more fliers that were distributed during the custody battle that Alberta Africa turned into a potential confrontation, as well as a war of character assassination and intimidation against her ex-husband John Gilbride (that culminated in his murder). There are many more documents like this that provide context for the situation around the custody case. Under each document, I've made a few notes to contextualize the document. 

(Click on the images to magnify)

Many thousands of copies of this flier were distributed in September of 2002. Notice the way that a routine custody case is being framed as an attempt by the government to kill members of MOVE. 

These were distributed in front of Ed Rendell's office as well as in his residential neighborhood. Supporters were sent into the residential neighborhoods of the judges on this case, politicians, lawyers, John Gilbride, and his family. 

This was distributed in front of Judge Shelley Robins New's office and I believe that it was also distributed in her neighborhood. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

The Question is WHY - A Statement from Salina Robbins - August 13th, 2021

The following was written by Salina Robbins, known in MOVE as Lina Africa. Salina is the daughter of Whit Simms, the niece of Mike Africa Jr., and the granddaughter of Mike Africa Sr. and Debbie Africa. 

The question is WHY. Why is it that the public figures of the MOVE cult continue to dismiss or counter ALL of the horrific allegations that have come forward thus far?

MOVE has always been strategic and does nothing without the gain of something. The public figures claim to fight against injustice on every platform they’ve ever been a part of or have created, including @Thebreakfastclub, @fightagainstinjustice, film festivals, podcasts, interviews, news media, social media, and films to narrate and push rhetoric.

The Prominent figures claim RIGHTEOUSNESS. The Prominent figures claim they are MORAL. They claim they PROTECT all life but somehow disregard the horrors within the confines of the MOVE cult which violates the very basis of human rights. MOVE says “the power of truth is final” MOVE says there is no peace without justice.
Does this concept not apply to MOVE?
Why is it taking these public figures so long to speak about these injustices? Are they looking for a strategic way to continue to make money, a way to hold on to the fame they’ve already gained from others' pain and suffering?
Their refusal to tell the truth has led to confusion and thoughts of self-harm of people who still consider themselves to be loyal members.
I implore people to keep asking the question “why,” why, are the public figures uninterested in protesting? Why are they silent? Why are they complicit? Why do they only want to discuss these criminal incidents behind closed doors?

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Flier from the Intimidation Campaign Against John Gilbride

In today's episode of Murder at Ryan's Run, Episode 5 - Ryan's Run, I am interviewed about my involvement in one of the actions that was part of the fair gaming of John Gilbride. The flier that I've posted below was left in every mailbox of Ryan's Run apartment complex in Maple Shade, NJ by myself and a few others on September 20th, 2002. We were acting on the orders of Alberta and Ria Africa, and the stack of fliers was given to me directly by Ria. The last mailbox we left a flier in was 304 Ryan's Run, John Gilbride's apartment. John was murdered while sitting in his car in front of that same apartment six days later. 

I've said many times that participating in the campaign of character assassination and harassment that preceded John's murder is one of the biggest regrets of my life. At the time I was 19 and a true believer in MOVE's cause. Though I don't believe any of this exonerates me for my involvement, all of us had been led to believe that we were protecting Alberta and her son Zack from an abusive man who was trying to destroy MOVE and hurt the Mumia movement. Looking back now it's hard for me to understand how I came to some of the conclusions that I did at that time, but I was fully convinced that I was serving a just cause. This was one of many similar events that I participated in with other MOVE supporters. The flier below is not even the cruelest, but the fact that it was left at the location that soon became the scene of a murder, and that the fliering was done during the same week as the murder, makes it notable. 

Earlier that afternoon MOVE supporters had gathered in front of the Cherry Hill, NJ City Hall to protest the fact that John Gilbride had been granted unsupervised visitation with his son. Alberta Africa declared that her ex-husband would never be able to visit his son without her being present. In order to prevent this visit, she weaponized support for MOVE, the MOVE 9, and some contingent of Mumia supporters and used us in a war against John. When John was granted unsupervised visits with his son on August 8, 2002, Alberta responded by having the windows boarded up at MOVE headquarters and preparing for war. MOVE supporters were called on to demonstrate and flier at so many locations that it's hard to keep track of them. Supporters (myself included) were sent to John's parents' neighborhood, hundreds of miles from Philadelphia, and even crueler fliers were left in every mailbox in their neighborhood. We returned a few weeks later and demonstrated in front of their neighborhood. At Alberta's insistence, we told their neighbors terrible things about them that had no basis in reality. We called John's job at US Air and attempted to get him fired. It was brutal, and then he was murdered. 

The flier below is one of many that I'll be posting and contextualizing in order to help people understand what MOVE does with its enemies. Unfortunately for Alberta I save and file everything. June (formerly Pixie) was told by Alberta many times that if she didn't watch out she would end up like John Gilbride. Many others were told the same thing. When I started to push back against MOVE's leadership in late 2007 I was told to be careful because I was "starting to go down the road John went down." I'm hoping that by posting these fliers and telling these stories we may shine enough light on this case to get it solved. I'm also hoping that we can humanize John so that people understand that he joined MOVE with the best of intentions and did everything he could to try to protect his son. 

Though I know it will make his life significantly more difficult in the short term and is extremely psychologically taxing, I hope that John and Alberta's son Zack is reading and that these documents might help him understand what actually happened to his father. This situation; the survivors, John's murder, the emotional stress that this puts on innocent people like Zack, it couldn't be more complicated. Even in all of this, some truly amazing and beautiful things have happened. Many people who have longed to leave MOVE and assert their own independence have done so. More attention has been drawn to John's case and people are beginning to understand how all of this fits together. Through this difficulty, I hope that more truth will be revealed and that this will help those who have been harmed to heal. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

May 13th as a Mandate

One of the biggest stumbling blocks one runs into when criticizing MOVE is the absolute horror of May 13th, 1985. The atrocity of May 13th is so extreme that many feel uncomfortable criticizing MOVE for fear of appearing to side with the police and authorities. The thought of police dropping a bomb on a row home and murdering six adults and five children in a residential Philadelphia neighborhood while the whole world watched is unimaginably horrific. Add in the fact that this bomb was dropped in a Black neighborhood, on Black people, by a police department that is notoriously racist, brutal, and corrupt and the picture seems to become clearer.  

The events leading up to that tragic day in May will require a lot more thinking and writing in order for me to fully reorient my understanding in light of what I’ve learned from survivors, like Whit Simms, who spent a great deal of time in the Osage Ave. house before the bombing. None of that new information, however, can change the fact that what happened on that day never should have happened, and that the city, state, and federal authorities are guilty of a number of crimes. The focus of this piece, however, is not on that specific day, and the days that led to it but on how May 13th has functioned within MOVE in the years since 1985. 

Many, like John Gilbride, have been drawn into MOVE due to the mix of sadness, confusion, and outrage that often accompanies learning about the bombing. Ramona Africa has likely spoken in front of millions of people about being the sole adult survivor. When people hear about her experience they want to help, and often end up lending some sort of support to MOVE. This drawing in support for MOVE is one way that May 13th functions within MOVE. The civil suits that followed the bombing also paid out millions to Ramona and all of the parents (all were imprisoned) of the children who were killed. Alberta Africa took control of this trust by being named as a trustee (she was not a beneficiary) and manipulating imprisoned members into allowing her to have full access to the funds which she has, unsurprisingly used to her own benefit. 

A less obvious function of May 13th is that it has provided the cult leaders who have run MOVE since the late ‘80s a mandate to get away with essentially anything they’ve wanted.  To be clear, I don’t believe that the corruption and abuse within MOVE started after 1985. I believe that the patterns we’re currently highlighting and uncovering likely go back to MOVE’s inception. MOVE has always been a destructive cult that masquerades as a revolutionary group with a back-to-nature religious belief. Before 1985 the August 8th, 1978 confrontation or the victory of John Africa in the 1981 Federal trial functioned similarly, but 1985 was so much more extreme, so much more horrific, and Alberta Africa has been absolutely brilliant in making sure that a tragedy of that degree has not gone to waste. 

There is nothing new about claims of child abuse within MOVE. The malnutrition of the children who were in the house during the 1978 confrontation is well documented, as is the fact that babies and toddlers were given almost no clothing and endured brutal Philadelphia winters with no heat or electricity. Philadelphia officials have always known that children in MOVE do not receive an education that even comes close to meeting minimum standards. However, MOVE’s willingness to go to war to the death to “protect their children from the imposition of the system” made the risk of confrontation with MOVE high enough that Child Protective Services, and every other authority that is supposed to intervene in situations like this, looked the other way. After May 13th this seems to have become an official policy for authorities dealing with MOVE.

In 2004 two longtime MOVE supporters publicly left and started this blog (which demonstrates how long this information has been publicly available, but without the survivors or other whistleblowers to come forward it was very difficult to get anyone to pay attention). When they left they reported the fact that Pixie Africa (now June Stokes) had been forced to get “married” and pregnant at the age of 12, and that the same thing had happened to many other teenage girls. This information should have started an investigation that would have uncovered a great deal more about what was happening inside 4504 and 4506 Kingsessing Ave., but instead there was nothing. There was no response from Child Protective Services or any other Philadelphia authority. Since 1985 the city of Philadelphia has been absolutely terrified of the possibility of conflict with MOVE and has done whatever they needed to do to avoid it, even if that meant turning a blind eye to dozens of children who deserved protection and basic rights like any other child

The firm binaries that MOVE sets up between MOVE and The System allow anyone who is critical of MOVE to be lumped in with the same government who dropped a bomb on MOVE. Inside  MOVE the children were controlled by May 13th because going to school was part of the system that dropped the bomb. A young adult MOVE member was kicked out of a MOVE house for registering to vote because voting was tacit support for the system responsible for May 13th. Questioning the Guidelines or John Africa meant you were becoming systematic and were one step closer to joining the cops who wanted to murder MOVE. By leaving MOVE and challenging Alberta Africa for custody John Gilbride instantly became an enemy, and Alberta claimed that the only reason John had married her and had a child is that he hated MOVE and wanted to cause another May 13th. 

When John Gilbride left Alberta Africa in 1998 and filed for custody of their son, Zack, Alberta told John that he would never win because Philadelphia officials would never challenge MOVE. She told John’s parents the same thing. On August 8th, 2002, John was awarded unsupervised visits on weekends and holidays and it was only a matter of a few weeks before all of us were called down to the Kingsessing Ave. headquarters to start breaking wooden pallets apart. As the slats were being nailed to the windows Alberta knew exactly the message that she was sending to city officials. She knew that the fear of another confrontation with MOVE gave her an unimaginable power. 

Once Alberta turned her fairly routine custody case (other than the fact that it involved a cult) into a MOVE issue there was no way that she could back down. However, when she ordered that the windows at MOVE headquarters be boarded up to prepare for a confrontation she knew that there was almost no chance that Philadelphia officials would attempt to enter the house to forcibly take Zack. In 2002 Alberta lived in Cherry Hill, NJ but moved into MOVE’s West Philly headquarters in order to force the issue into Philadelphia where she knew that officials would work diligently to ensure peace with MOVE. However, John didn’t back down, even after MOVE declared war. This meant that MOVE could continue to live as if confrontation was imminent forever, or they could find another way to bring the standoff to an end. 

John Gilbride was shot multiple times in the head and chest at close range as he sat in his car in front of his Maple Shade, New Jersey apartment after a long shift at the Philadelphia airport. It was almost midnight on September 26th, 2002. It was pouring rain and John had a court-ordered unsupervised visit with Zack the next day, a visit that Alberta had assured him would never happen. The official response to John’s murder was unusual at best. In Philadelphia, Civil Affairs Captain Fisher remarked to journalists that he didn’t think MOVE was capable of murder and he offered a counter-theory that John was murdered as a result of gambling debts. The fact that a police officer, who was not even a detective and had nothing to do with the murder investigation, would publicly weigh in on MOVE’s behalf is very strange. 

I was heavily involved in the public campaign against John Gilbride. It is one of the biggest regrets of my life. After John’s murder, I was approached by Burlington County detectives in the parking lot of my job at the end of a shift. I was working for a landscaping company with three MOVE members and another MOVE supporter. As the detectives “interviewed” us we “gave them MOVE Law,” which essentially means that we talked in rhetorical circles until the detectives were too confused, frustrated, or exhausted to continue. About a month later a detective showed up on my front steps and gave me his card. That was it. I know firsthand that all MOVE members and supporters were handled with kid gloves. MOVE members went in for questioning on a strictly voluntary basis, and from what I understand from talking to them they also handled their interviews in the same way that we did in the parking lot. 

In the intervening years, I am not aware of any follow-up interviews. I was never reapproached. To be very blunt, I think that the murder of John Gilbride has always been solvable. I think that it still is. I believe that Philadelphia officials refused to cooperate with NJ authorities and that Burlington County, NJ was terrified to take on MOVE in their court system. There are very good reasons for that fear. I also believe that Philadelphia officials have been aware of the red flags which indicated likely abuse within MOVE the entire time. The leadership of MOVE has been using May 13th as their mandate for 36 years. They have cynically exploited the murder of MOVE children; Zanetta, Tomaso, Delicia, Katricia, and Phil, to shield their own child abuse, financial exploitation, and, possibly, murder. If this blog can be even a small part of destroying that mandate in the interest of justice for children born in MOVE, John Gilbride, and many others, then the two decades I spent in MOVE will have been worth it.