Monday, August 23, 2021

Flier from the Harassment Campaign Against John Gilbride's Parents

This flier was referenced in the most recent episode of Murder at Ryan's Run, Episode 6: The Meetings.  It's one of many fliers that were distributed in the war of harassment and intimidation against John Gilbride. I've discussed other such fliers in two previous posts here and here. This is the front side of a double-sided flier. Unfortunately, the second side can't be found at this time (if anyone out there has it please send email it to I remember the backside of the flier fairly well. Whereas the front side claims that John's mother makes "incestuous overtures towards her son," the backside claimed that John's father had always been jealous of him and as a result had tried to get him killed on a number of occasions. According to MOVE, John's parents were encouraging his divorce from Alberta Africa because they hated him and wanted to destroy his life. MOVE also claimed at the same time that John had been a government agent since birth, that his father had been a government agent, and that John had been raised with the sole purpose of destroying MOVE. 

The backside of the flier closed with a quote from MOVE's Guidelines (scriptures) comparing the persecution of MOVE to that of Jewish people in Nazi Germany, and text following those Guidelines linked John filing for custody of his son to that campaign of persecution. This flier was distributed by me and about a dozen other MOVE supporters and members in the mailbox of every house in John's parents' neighborhood at the directive of Alberta and Ria Africa. MOVE members and supporters drove more than a hundred miles in order to distribute these fliers. The purpose of this fliering was to intimidate John's parents into ceasing to support John in his fight for custody of his son. As if the flier wasn't bad enough, when we returned to the neighborhood a few weeks later (again at the directive of Alberta and Ria Africa) we had protest signs that made all of the implicit (and false) allegations against John's parents explicit. In the next few days I'll be posting and expanding on many more of the documents that were referenced in the last podcast episode.  

(Click on the image to magnify)

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