Sunday, August 22, 2021

Statement from Food Not Bombs Solidarity Withdrawing their Endorsement of MOVE

The following statement is written by the Philly-based group Food Not Bombs Solidarity. Posting this statement on this blog does not mean that the members of Food Not Bombs Solidarity agree with all of the positions taken here. I'm posting this because I feel like it's an important document showing positive ways that radical communities are holding those in MOVE leadership accountable for abuse and lies. There are very good reasons that so many open-hearted people seeking justice have embraced MOVE and a great deal of deception has been involved in gaining such support. Hopefully, statements such as this one will be part of the process of healing and justice for those who have been victims of MOVE.

Released 8/19/2021

Food Not Bombs Solidarity (FNBS) withdraws our endorsement of MOVE.

This action is taken in the absence of any sincere attempts by current MOVE members to address and take accountability for the horrors that went on for decades in their organization. It is taken in support of MOVE survivors, some of whom have courageously jeopardized their safety to make public alarming accounts of abuse, intimidation, and bigotry.

Providing support to disadvantaged communities and political actions is central to our mission. In this case, our members feel lied to and used.

FNBS believes in restorative justice and looks forward to the day that those responsible for the abuses within MOVE begin the process of restorative justice by coming forward to admit their wrongs and knowledge of what was happening, apologizing, and taking transparent and decisive action to assure the abuses are stopped.

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