Tuesday, August 24, 2021

John Gilbride's Journals Reflecting on Alberta's Abuse - May of 1996

This document was referenced in the most recent episode of Murder at Ryan's Run, Episode 6: The Meetings. This is an entry that was found on John's computer after he was murdered. It's one of a few entries he makes reflecting on specific periods of abuse within MOVE. In this entry, John is documenting a "meeting" Alberta orchestrated against him on May 22nd, 1996. At the end of the document, John points out that Alberta had not called any meetings on him the entire time she had been pregnant when she was dependent on him. At that time she needed him to take her to doctor's appointments, deal with insurance paperwork, and pay for her expensive medicine. After Zack was born John was not needed in the same way. When John says that he wants to be a good father and take care of his son, Sue Africa says "I can do that, you're not needed!"

Toward the end of the second page, Alberta is recorded as saying "We'll all kick your ass right here and now. And I'll tell you something, if you don't pull yourself together you'll never see again. I'll take him and disappear and you'll never see him again. You know what, John, you really are a defected piece of shit." Because John left out a few words while typing this the meaning is open to interpretation. This may mean that Alberta is saying that if John doesn't fully submit to her then he will never be seen again. If this is the case then it matches perfectly with what June Stokes has reported that Alberta said to her on a number of occasions, that if she didn't get in line that she would be disappeared and her body would never be found. This interpretation is also supported by Alphonso Africa following up Alberta's statement by saying "We ain't playing no games with you John, we will finish you tonight if you don't start talking!" Because of the missing word, Alberta's statement could also be interpreted as saying that if John didn't submit to Alberta then John would never see his newborn son Zack again. In the next few days, I'll post and comment on one of John's other journal entries that documents how Alberta's abuse against John continued to intensify after Zack was born. 

(Click on the images to magnify)


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